Buffets Are Yummy, But Watch Your Tummy Print

Enjoying cruise ships, resorts, casinos and other lush destinations often involves all-you-can-eat meals. Some seasoned travelers jump in and stuff themselves with many more calories than they normally consume.

Especially for older people with tender stomachs, it can be a bad idea, and turn a fun vacation into painful sickness. Additionally, gobbling up more than you eat in normal meals at home can cause medical problems, especially if you try unfamiliar dishes with exotic ingredients. Additionally, because buffet food sits on display for hours, spoilage can be potential for even more serious physical problems.

Therefore, when your journey involves tempting displays of all-you-can-scarf foods, take it easy on the amount you take, and be sure what you eat is fresh and clean. Also a helpful tip from your travel4seniors.com editor. At a buffet, instead of stuffing myself, I eat a modest amount. Wearing a coat with lots of pockets, I then wrap and sneak out with some choice foods for a later free midnight snack and/or next-day lunch.