Is that a boa constrictor in your pocket, or .... Print

Boa constrictor

Pardon me, but isss thisss ssseat taken?

We’ve heard of the “Snakes on a Plane” movie, and it was sort of slinky fun. But, how would you feel if this smuggler with 95 snakes sat next to you on the flight?

Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur Airport security agents discovered 95 live baby boa constrictors in a piece of carry-on luggage on a flight that was about to take off. They had been warned about the snake guy, because he was part of a worldwide smuggling operation that sold exotic animals throughout the world.

Along with the boas, the carry-on bag also contained other snake species and a small turtle. So, next time you fly and the guy next to you acts a bit slithery, you may want to ask the flight attendant to move you to another seat.