Flight ban: Ecigarettes may become illegal Print

On some airlines, those new smokeless electronic cigarettes are permitted. Smokers can get their nicotine hit by puffing and breathing in a small cloud of chemicals. Allegedly they don’t bother people sitting next to them, although the jury is still out on that question.

Smokeless Ecigarette

Now, the Department of Transportation is considering a total ban on the Ecigarettes on all flights originating in the U.S. The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association is objecting to the plan, claiming that the devices only emit water vapor and create nothing like second-hand smoke.

If the total ban goes into effect, Ecigarette users will just have to join regular smokers in those little rooms provided for them in airports. Then, whether their flights are for one or a dozen hours, they’ll have to refrain from their habit in the air, get a patch or chew some nicotine gum.

Sorry, smokers, but you may be in a losing battle. Amtrak now forbids Ecigarettes on trains, and the U.S. Navy won’t permit them on submerged submarines.