100-Year-Old Guy Makes First Parachute Jump Print

A brave codger from Tennessee recently fulfilled a life-long bucket list wish. He hit the wild blue yonder like a WWII 101st Airborne paratrooper over Normandy, and landed safe and sound. Will your travel4seniors.com editor be brave enough to try the same thing in just 8 1/2 years?

I wore a parachute many times in my WWII and Korean War travels as a scared-spitless passenger in U.S. Navy aircraft. Fortunately, I never had to jump, and now sure I never will. However, here’s my own bucket list of seven first-time experiences I’d like to try when I hit 100:

Win millions of bucks on the lottery and in Vegas
Hike the Great Wall of China
Ride a mule down into the Grand Canyon
Dine in 2025 at the White House with President Whoever
Long talk with comic genius Mel Brooks, also hitting 100
Have funny dance with Julia Louis Dreyfus as Elaine
Scuba with the dolphins in Mexico’s Cabo San Lucas