Get Rid of Those Layoff Blues and Enjoy a Cruise Print

Q: My company gave me a birthday present when I hit age 55: a layoff notice. My spouse and I have already booked a cruise for next month, but I’m worried about getting a new job. Should I cancel the cruise?

Cruise ship


A: Hell, no. Don’t cancel unless your bank account is really low, or your spouse is unemployed or there’s absolutely no prospect of getting another job within the next couple of months. Anyhow, consider the cruise a valuable time to rest, reflect and refuel.

Take a notebook or laptop on the cruise with you, and while you’re sunning yourself on deck, create a file of some ideas, names of job contacts, update your resume and otherwise write up your thoughts and facts for the future. Then, when you get back home, you’ll be rested, calm and ready to hit the job search battle.