Senior Travelers: Take a Mini-Medicine Cabinet With You Print

What personal medical supplies you take on long trips depends on if you really need them on your travels. And that could include the adult-sized diapers of the same name. Not a joke to some of us who’ve had to wear them. Several years ago, I had heart surgery, and for two weeks afterward wore those fluffy big boy diapers.

I took them when I needed to be away from home for a scheduled flight soon after the surgery. You should’ve seen the look on the security guy’s face at the airport when he inspected my luggage. I tried to lighten the moment with humor. I said the diapers were for our son, Junior, who was only 18 months old, but was already six feet tall. I don’t think the security guy got it, but he passed me through the gate.

Plate of bacon and eggs


What you should take with you when you’re away for a week or more is stuff you’d ordinarily have on hand while at home during that time. This could certainly include the Depends if you’ve had recent surgery and/or continuing problems with incontinence.

Make sure you include all your necessary daily medications for each day you’re away from home, plus an extra supply in case your return is delayed. Keep with you a written doctor’s record/prescriptions of your prescription drugs, both to show inspectors and to use to buy more if your supplies run out. 

If you’re going overseas or sailing on the seas, be sure you’ve checked with your family doctor to get all the necessary shots, including flu, hepatitis, tetanus, diptheria and others, including documentation, as required by countries where you’ll be traveling. It’s also a good idea to take a basic first aid kit, including drugs to combat bowel and stomach problems that may occur.

Moderation is the word that describes how senior travelers should conduct themselves while on the move away from home. That includes avoiding becoming overtired by getting plenty of rest, as well as eating and drinking sensibly to prevent the usual traveler's stomach distresses. The senior sojourner’s health can also be enhanced by acquiring the endless patience necessary in airports, bus stations, restaurants, public restrooms and hotel lobbies.