Savvy Speak-Up Seniors Get Better Deals At Check-In Print

As you arrive at the hotel’s front desk, you’ve already been informed what price your reservation states. So, do you just accept that it’ll be $199.99 plus local taxes and the usual add-ons per night?

Hell, no! There are many ways to cut that price, as well as get extra goodies, such as dining credits at hotel restaurants. All ya gotta do is politely, but firmly ask. First, of course, you tell the clerk you’re a senior, and ask if that gives you a discount.

Another way, working your senior charm, is to say that you and your companion are celebrating an anniversary, such as 50 years of wedded bliss. Or marking retirement after 25 years in the U.S. Navy, or 30 years as a math teacher. With a convincing story, you may get an upgraded room, plus a nice percentage knocked off that original quote.