Top 10 Senior Health Travel Tips Print

TRAVEL4SENIORS.COM, the premiere senior travel website offering news, reviews, information, discounts and more, offers top ten health and safety tips for seasoned wanderers, for both health and happiness and stress-free family travel.



DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Before you go, consult with online government travel updates ( and news sources for potential problems.




SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Book a senior health check-up. Get assurance that you're fit enough for the normal requirements of holiday travel, and any unexpected trouble.




TAKE EXTRA MEDICATION. If you take medication, be certain you take enough to cover the entire trip. Pack an extra week's supply in case of delays. Pack medications in your carry-on, in case of lost, stolen or delayed luggage. If you have senior health issues, get a note from your doctor for priority status with airport security and early or pre-boarding.




INFORM FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Let neighbors and / or family know your travel plans to keep your home safe while away, and assist you with any emergencies.




SHIP THOSE SUITCASES. Look into shipping your luggage thru a service like




USE MODERATION with all food and liquid intake.




BE CAREFUL about buying food or drinks from street vendors, even in areas where sanitation is good. Always drink bottled water and avoid ice in areas where water is a problem.




EXERCISE. Instead of taking a bus or taxi, short strolls can make your sightseeing more leisurely and enjoyable. Be aware of traffic and other potential dangers.




DON’T BE A VICTIM. Wearing expensive clothing or jewelry or showing physical limitations may instantly label you as a target for thieves. Never travel alone, always with at least another person, preferably a group.




HIDE YOUR MONEY. Keep your wallet securely in an inside buttoned pocket or use a moneybelt. If you carry a purse, hold it tightly under your armpit. If you want to give handouts, dole out coins you’ve stashed in a separate place.