Yahoo Unfairly Labels Ugly Americans On Cruises Print

We rarely write editorials, but a recent Yahoo piece shook us up. The writer not only bashed Americans, but also singled out seasoned citizens we feature on as the worst offenders.

Of course, on just about every cruise, as there are in land resorts, there are boorish people. They complain, make unreasonable demands, get drunk, buy junk and thoroughly offend everyone else. However, the boorish travelers are from all parts of the globe.

In our many cruises and other world travels, we’ve observed that at least 99.99% of Americans behave themselves admirably. May we add that those senior American travelers spent hard-working decades in businesses, professions and the military? Whatever enjoyment they get from cruises is well earned, and if sometimes they show it with hearty laughter and funny clothing, tell it to the Marines. 

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