In honor of our bravest, thank a GI today Print

Medal of Honor

Of the eight Congressional Medals of Honor awarded so far in the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, only one of the most honored heroes survived the combat action that won him the medal. Army Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, of Hiawatha, Iowa, has earned the nation's highest award for his heroism in Afghanistan. Giunta will soon receive the medal from the President in a ceremony at the White House.

In your travels, you’re sure to see many camo-clad Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard people in busy airports, as well as at bus and train stations. They’re usually lugging their gear, on the way home or to their next deployment.

Next time you see them, regardless of your politics or thoughts about war, offer a word of thanks. Tell them you appreciate everything Sergeant Giunta and all those other young men and women are doing to protect you.