Senior Shooters: Etiquette When You Photo Celebs Print

In today’s travel scenes of endless clicking of SmartPhones and other electronic picture takers, are there any rules? When at concerts and other public events, the only rule seems to be is point your little box at everybody and everything, including those infamous selfies.

In your editor’s long-ago 40-year ad/PR career, the only photographers at most events were pros with bulky cameras and big flash units. Expected by the celebs, they’d stop and pose. Now, public events are combat zones with clawing mobs of shouting, shoving, pointing snappers.

For what it may be worth to today’s seniors who see celebs in front of their SmartPhones, consider a few simple rules. 1. Ask Permission: Music, TV and movie stars are human, and can get overwhelmed with mobs with walls of cameras poked into their faces. If the scene is chaotic, forget taking photos. If you see a calm moment, ask the star if it’s OK to shoot, and if there’s time, request a selfie.

2. Don’t Be A Pestering Pap: Give stars chances to pose. Wait for appropriately flattering moments. Of course, paparzzis hang around star homes, cars and events. The more revealing or revolting the photo or video, the more money the pap can make.

3. Show Appreciation: A simple thank you to cooperative stars is appropriate and welcome. If there’s time, offer a few words about how much you enjoyed their recent performances.