Tips For Senior Women Traveling Alone Print

This could be summed up in just one word: Don’t!! Take along at least one other person or sign up with an escorted group. However, if you insist on going solo, here are some simple ways to enhance safety and enjoyment of your journey.

With the ever-growing advancements in smartphones, never travel without the latest and most convenient for you. Be sure to charge it before you venture out each day. Along with packing for your trip, pre-load your smartphone with favorite movies, TV shows, music and a novel or two. They’ll help pass the time during those waits in airports and during long flights.

Also use your smartphone for security, loaded with pre-set numbers you can contact quickly. They include close relatives and family doctors, as well as American embassies and consulates in countries you’re scheduled to visit on the trip.

If you intend to rent a car and otherwise ride or hike alone, include a GPS feature in your smartphone. Be prepared for being stopped for ID requirements on official demand. Have necessary documents, plus an extra copy of each in case of loss or theft.

Practice smart personal safety. Instead of hailing taxis on the street, have hotel staff book them. Don’t wander alone at night on city streets, even in well-lighted areas. No matter how friendly, don’t accept rides nor other invitations from strangers posing as local guides.