Senior Travelers: Keep In Constant Touch With Family Print

Guest Senior Wanderer PLL, Milwaukee WI: Our son recently went on a business trip to China. His client firm paid for everything, including first class air tickets. Throughout the trip, we received many calls, and most exciting, digital photos and video as the events happened. We saw him lounging in his private comfy seat/bed on the plane. He posed with locals and Chinese soldiers in Beijing. He watched the sun rise from the Great Wall. He sent dining scenes from Hong Kong restaurants, including one on a sampan in the harbor.

Because he was so thoughtful, we had the vicarious thrill of sharing his adventures. Next month, the same company is sending him to France for a movie festival. He promised he'll record the most posh events and get photos of famed actors.

Our daughter travels frequently on assignments, and she emails itineraries to us. If there's a family emergency, we can get in touch within minutes. Fortunately, it has never happened, but comforting to know the option is always there.

When we parents travel, we do the same. We recently flew to attend a large family gathering. Our busy kids couldn't make the trip, but I shot photos and videos and sent them. They were very much appreciated.