

Spain: Las Vegas Gambling Resort For Madrid

Remember the 1941 Tyrone Power movie, “Blood and Sand”? It was about the gory sport of bullfighting in Spain. By a strange coincidence, the title could fit a new enterprise starting soon in Alcorcon, a Madrid suburb.

The Sands Corporation, now with casinos in Asia, as well as in Las Vegas, is reaching across the Atlantic to build a casino resort in Spain. In some twisted interpretation of the old movie title, you could say new blood for the Spanish economy is being provided by the Sands.

To be called EuroVegas, and is expected to open within four years. During and after its construction, the casino resort will bring many thousands of local jobs to Spain.

Ten Ways to Make Your Hotel Stay Safe PDF Print E-mail

Many seniors feel insecure when in large hotels, fearing their age and physical condition could make them vulnerable to potentially dangerous situations. Here are some tips that could ease some of that concern:

Top 10 Senior Health Travel Tips PDF Print E-mail

TRAVEL4SENIORS.COM, the premiere senior travel website offering news, reviews, information, discounts and more, offers top ten health and safety tips for seasoned wanderers, for both health and happiness and stress-free family travel.

First Class or Coach, let SeatGuru's Top Ten Tips Maximize your Comfort PDF Print E-mail
SeatGuru(R), the web's most comprehensive resource for airline information, today announced its top ten tips for air travel during the holidays. Founder and air travel expert Matt Daimler, who logs more than 100,000 miles in the air each year, says, "With these tips, you'll be able to stretch out your string bean legs, ensure your knees aren't mashed like potatoes, and avoid overstuffing the luggage bin."
Ten Ways to Avoid Winter Bugs in the Air, at Sea, on the Road PDF Print E-mail

Staying home and hiding under the bed is one way to avoid getting colds, flu, upset stomach and all the other bothersome wintertime ailments.

Eurostar vs Flying: England to France PDF Print E-mail

Have you ever been snowed or fogged in at London's Heathrow or Gatwick? We were on several occasions, and by the time we got to our destination, Charles DeGaulle Airport in France, the total time from when we left our London hotel until we arrived at the Paris hotel was 11 hours.


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