

TSA: No More Must Flyers Bear Being Bare

Shy people going through airport screening can now breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Transportation Security Administration is giving up on the airport body scanners that expose virtually naked images.

TSA currently uses two types of airport scanners. The ones that show shadow images will continue to be in place, but the more intrusive x-ray versions are being phased out over the next several months.

Hopefully, it all means that travelers can maintain at least some remnants of modesty while being groped, prodded  and screened on the way to their flights.

Delta Air: Want Guaranteed Overhead Space On All Fights? PDF Print E-mail

How many times have you boarded and found the space above your cheap seat was jammed full, and no room for your carry-ons? Now, Delta will guarantee it won’t happen again. All you need to do is pay an annual fee of $59 and your stuff is in. www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2019/10/17/delta-offers-59-annual-subscription-buys-you-overhead-bin-space

Hollywood CA: Visit The Spooky Museum Of Death PDF Print E-mail

If your travels take you to the Famed Hollywood Walk of Fame this month, be sure to spend some time in this frightful location. Inside is the world’s largest collection of serial killer artwork. Also antique funeral gear, mortician and coroner instruments, Manson Family memorabilia, pet death taxidermy, crime scene photos and more!

There’s also a branch of the Museum of Death in New Orleans LA. For locations, hours and ticket costs, go to www.museumofdeath.net

Q: Why Do My Feet Always Swell Up & Hurt When I Fly? PDF Print E-mail

I know I’m not the athlete I once was, but flying is getting more painful. How can I prevent it? PJL, Evanston IL

A: Leg, ankle and foot swelling happens to many passengers during long flights. When sitting in the same position for hours, blood flow slows down and blood pools in leg veins. The continued pressure leads to pain and swelling. Get up at least once an hour and walk around the aisle. Also, on long flights dress in loose clothing and footwear.

Scratch, Scratch? Are Your Hotel Bedsheets Fresh? PDF Print E-mail

Recently your travel4senirs.com editor spent an unhappy night in a Las Vegas hote. In the morning I felt itching on my feet and legs. When I turned back the covers, I saw little live black specks. I quickly checked out.

A Chinese hotel may help the industry avoid such problems by using a high-tech system that reveals when bed linen was last washed. The Wuhan will implant microchips into bed sheets, towels and quilts. Incoming guests’ cell phones will reveal the date of last washing. When that happens in the US and other world vacation area, maybe there will be less scratching.

What To Do About Your Aaah-Chooo When In Flight PDF Print E-mail

Q: Several times I’ve found myself seated next to a passenger with a very furry support dog or cat. I try to not make a fuss, but it makes me sneeze. Should I just grin and bear it or complain to get another seat? PJR, Atlanta GA

A: Save a lot of trouble by asking the flight attendant to switch seats. Do it when you first board, when changing is easier to do. Of course, in busy, crowded flights, other passengers can’t or won’t comply, so keep your hanky handy Also, earlier check with your family physician for suggested meds you can take when traveling.


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