Home NEWS We don't do travel planning on company time: liar, liar, Windows on fire!
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We don't do travel planning on company time: liar, liar, Windows on fire! PDF Print E-mail

According to a USA Today poll, more than half of people who should be working at their desktop computers, cell phones and just plain old office telephones are cheating their bosses. They admit they do some vacation research and actual booking on company time.

old phone photo

Nearly 60% of women workers and 50% of men confess to the sneaky peeking and planning. The worst offenders, according to the poll, are 61% of all workers between ages 18 to 34. Is the USA Today research accurate?

Well, as far as it goes, if you accept the answers as honest ones from those workers who were polled. In other words, if USA Today could get absolutely true answers, maybe with a bit of gentle waterboarding, you must add at least another 20 percent to each of the statistics.

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