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# Article Title Hits
241 Hometown vs online travel agency: Which to use? 2062
242 What's being done about loooong tarmac delays? 1528
243 How are best ways to mingle with singles? 1543
244 Springtime in Paris without (cough) smoke? 1574
245 Will WWII hero still be able to go into the wild blue yonder? 1561
246 Is it OK to bid on an online vacation auction? 2016
247 Why don't airline ads list actual price totals? 1465
248 OK to look for someone to share an onboard cabin? 1362
249 Travel ideas: Shop for top home swaps 2031
250 What to do about annoying airheads in the air? 1591
251 Is membership card OK for zoo freebees & discounts? 1477
252 Schlepping from gate to gate gets tougher for seniors 1440
253 Can we find kid-friendly places in Las Vegas? 1487
254 Where should senior sweethearts go for their honeymoon? 1459
255 Canadians seek Paris bargains 1583
256 Why is flying with shampoo still a booboo? 1569
257 Why single supplement charges on cruises? 1535
258 Can we scoot around Walt Disney World? 1492
259 Weighty airline situation 1482
260 What's the best deal on dollars for euros? 1558
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