Get online to find great deals on travel this season PDF Print E-mail

(ARA) - The travel bug is striking Americans across the country. Most of us feel a need to get away and recharge our batteries with a change of scene. If this urge to travel has struck your family, there are deals to be found, whether you're planning an in-state excursion, flying across the country or even boarding a boat for a cruise.

Avoid the 'Senior Sickness Snowball Effect' with a strong immune system PDF Print E-mail

(ARA) - An emerging health trend where a relatively simple illness leads to a number of physical and lifestyle changes is impacting seniors around the country, say immune system researchers from Embria Health Sciences, co-founders of the Nourish America Senior Health Project. They've dubbed this trend the Senior Sickness Snowball Effect, which impacts the overall quality of a person's daily life and follows this recurring cycle:
How you can take action against heart failure PDF Print E-mail

(ARA) - It's a syndrome that affects more than 5 million Americans - and probably more: heart failure. Heart failure is a serious illness that can affect your quality of life and how long you live.  With proper medications in the right doses and careful management, you can live longer and feel better.
Travel Tips to successfully get you where you need to be - fast! PDF Print E-mail

(ARA) - Do you ever get a headache just thinking about navigating the streets of an unfamiliar city? Have you ever booked a hotel in a less-than-great part of town, or been late to an appointment because you can't find a parking garage?

Good manners matter in terminal and on flights PDF Print E-mail

Cell phone figures

Cell yapping can be annoying to others in airport waiting rooms

Most senior travelers wonder these days if people actually have anything resembling considerate behavior any more. With politics, music, TV and movies getting closer to the gutter every day, do manners actually matter? Add to that the ever-increasing hassle of just getting through airport security, and tempers can be very short.

For those who want to respect and to be respected when traveling, here are some examples of bad behavior and simple courtesy rules to follow while waiting in the airport or sitting aboard your flight.


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