Tips for traveling couples PDF Print E-mail

We've traveled the world frequently for nearly 50 years, throughout North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. Since retirement, my spouse and I still wander away from home and hearth at least once a month. After considerable experiences in the sky, at sea and on the road, we believe we can offer some very simple tips that may help others travel safer and happier:

1. Go light to save both cash and carry woes. Unless you're sailing on a super-formal cruise or will attend a function at the White House or Buckingham Palace, pack just the very basic comfy clothing.

Go easy on the buffets; your belly will thank you PDF Print E-mail

Whether at an all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas, aboard a luxury cruise ship or gambling the kids’ inheritance away in Vegas, travelers always overeat. We don’t mean just a little. We mean really gorge themselves to the point of making their bodies yell for help.

The solution is simple. When in an all-you-can-eat situation, eat only the same foods and amounts you eat at home. If you must test all the delicious dishes in front of you, take a very small portion of each.

Make sure your rental car won't leave you stranded PDF Print E-mail

We rented a great-looking car in San Diego recently. It was delivered to our hotel, and soon we were on the bridge over to Coronado Island. We were a bit concerned when the car sounded very loud, but believed it’s much bigger engine was just noisier than our little four-cylinder sub-compact at home. We never made it to Coronado that day, because the car pooped out halfway across the bridge.

After an angry call, and a two-hour wait on the bridge, a guy in greasy overalls arrived from the rental agency. He gave us a dirty look as he raised the hood and inspected the engine. He mumbled something about ain’t a damned thing wrong, and all them damned old people who didn’t know nothin’ about drivin’.

Tips on top ten cities you should visit this year PDF Print E-mail

It won't be easy to pick the top ten, but I can name some you shouldn't .... Tehran, Baghdad, Newark, Detroit, Tijuana, Kabul ... nah, that's enough of the negatives. Here are my positive favorites:

1. Paris: Ah, the traditional city for romantics. Prices are sky-high, natives are rude, accommodations aren't the most modern, and if you're a lonely guy, you'll have to pay for romance. But the food, wine, historic sites and ambiance are still there. The sidewalk cafes are charming if you love sipping your cafe au lait in a cloud of cheap cigarette smoke. Seriously, despite all the gripes, Paris is still the magic destination worth a visit by lovers of all ages.

Tips on how to prevent airport baggage theft PDF Print E-mail

A recent news item told of the arrest of a group of employees at Los Angeles airport for thefts from baggage. It may not be surprising, but some of the accused are Homeland Security (TSA) security guards. Unfortunately, this kind of crime happens frequently at airports throughout the world.

How does a traveler avoid such problems? It isn't easy, but it can be done in many airport situations. Here are some tips that can at least help avoid the worst of the thefts, if not all of them.

1. We never check our luggage. Checked bags are the ones most stolen or pilfered, especially the small computer cases. I know cutting back on clothing is difficult or thought to be impossible for some travelers, but it is worth considering. We who are both elderly go on cruises and travel throughout Europe with just one wheeled carry-on each and a knapsack. It’s a good idea to keep your computer with you at all times.


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