

More Scalpers On Broadway Than At Little Big Horn

If your travels take you to New York, and you want to enjoy the traditional theater experience, be aware. Tickets to Bruce Springsteen concerts and other popular Broadway shows are beyond insane prices. According to BloombergMarkets, some scalpers sell them for as high as $10,000.

No one, except maybe a grossly-overpaid NFL kneeler, politician or phony pro boxer, can afford to pay that price. This expensive ticket offers about 60 minutes of a scruffy, aging millionaire on stage howling and strumming his guitar. Included at no extra cost are probably some sincere protest lyrics about how evil rich people exploit the downtrodden poor.

To avoid the grossly inflated scalper prices online, get your tickets as far in advance as possible from legitimate theater sources. They’ll still be high-priced compared to what you paid a dozen or so years ago, but unlike General Custer, you may avoid being scalped.

Senior Travelers: Take Mini-Med Cabinet With You PDF Print E-mail

Senior correspondent MLI, St. Paul MN: How many personal medical supplies you take on long trips depends on need. And that could include the adult-sized diapers of the same name. Not a joke to we who’ve had to wear them. Several years ago, I had heart surgery, and for two weeks afterward had my bottom covered, just in case.

Once, I took them for a scheduled flight soon after the surgery. You should’ve seen the look on the security guy’s face at the airport when he inspected my luggage. I said the diapers were for our son, Junior, who was only 18 months old, but already six feet tall. I don’t think the security guy got the joke, but he passed me through the gate.

Hilo HI: Volcanoes National Park 100th Birthday Fete PDF Print E-mail

Many celebrations are scheduled through August to celebrate a century of spectacular thrills and lava spills on the big island of Hawaii and its famous Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes.

Some events include the opening of a new museum, 36th Annual Cultural Festival & BioBlitz, art exhibits, native music and dance performances, volcano sightseeing tours, local foods and many more reasons to visit and participate. For more info, go to www.nps.gov/havo/getinvolved/100th-anniversary

Sr Travel Dilemma: When Your Bags Fly Off Elsewhere PDF Print E-mail

We all know warm weather is the heaviest time for air travel. Airlines must get millions of people to the right destinations, while to often their baggage flies off to other destinations.

Statistics today show that one out of every 20 checked bags fails to arrive at the designated airport at the right time. Most are merely misdirected, and eventually get to their owners. But while en route, they cause much distress.

Suggestion: Eat Sensibly When Away From Home PDF Print E-mail

Remember your teens? You could scarf down anything at any time, anywhere. It was no-limit eating at the big game, out with the gang, birthday bashes, midnight buffets, fatburgers, jalapeno chili, pizza and whatever.

Maybe you had a bit of heartburn the morning after, but you’d be OK by noon, and ready to start on another binge of eating stuff that would kill you today. Most very seasoned citizens survive and thrive in sunset years because they practice moderation and healthy diet. However, when some travel, they’re often tempted to forget sensible eating.

Senior Adventurer: Consider A Visit To China PDF Print E-mail

OK, you’ve been everywhere and you’re tired of take-out from the neighborhood Chinese restaurant. You’re ready for the real thing. You’re thinking of booking a flight to China.

Get a few suggestions from a senior tourist who has been there several times. Beijing is the capital, and features Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City and other historic sites. While there, you can book tours of the city, as well as take the bus or train out about 50 miles to the Great Wall.

The wall is 15 centuries old, goes for a thousand miles and can be seen from orbiting satellites. It may be difficult for physically-challenged seniors to climb the required stairways and stroll the stony pathways. However, you may try it, because most tourists want photo or video proof of having visited the historic site.


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