

Denver CO: Rocky Mountain High With Legal Pot

Some of our now-sedate senior readers may want to bring back memories of  their 1960s hippie days. Recall nights of secret marijuana parties in campus dorms or behind the barracks. Their travel plans could perk up now that pot is legal in Colorado, and some Denver travel organizations offer special events related to the hemp product.

While still forbidden in that state to smoke pot in public, there are opportunities for tourists to consume various marijuana products without breaking the law. For example, party buses and limos tour the Rockies while sightseers can smoke or eat pot-based products. Enroute they can indulge while creatively appreciating the beautiful snow-capped scenery and surrounding clouds, both inside and outside.

The Very Best Senior Fantasy Travel Destinations PDF Print E-mail

Just suppose you had to choose the best travel destination for this year. Also, because you’re a seasoned citizen, you're allowed to go back in time to enjoy it absolutely free. We surveyed our readers and here are five choices, not necessarily in rank order:

Jim K, Austin TX: I'd take my golf clubs to Pebble Beach, California, and participate in a 72-hole tournament against the current PGA champs. Of course, I'd win by ten strokes, and with TV cameras rolling, officials hand me a check for a million bucks, plus a huge silver trophy full of California champagne.

Suggested Cuss Words For Ticked-Off Sr Travelers PDF Print E-mail

You’re mature, experienced, and often have a very short fuse for delays, inefficiency, excuses, back talk and just plain discourtesy. Here are ways to take a stand to fight back with appropriate Ω߶§ words to: 

Hotel clerk: That price is outrageous. I don’t want to buy the ƒ¶§≠ place, just sleep here for a couple of hours.

Taxi driver: I didn’t say go the scenic route to get me here. You have a choice. Do you want me to pay half of the §Ωåß rip-off charge or none at all?

Rude waiter: You’ve been snide, slow and stupid. The only tip you’ll get from me is: find another ƒå®´∑ line of work.

Cruise Port Visits: Go On Your Own Vs Pay-For Excursions PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’re booked for a cruise next month. We’ve heard that shore excursions from ships are expensive. Would we save money if we just go ashore in ports to shop and explore on our own? FGS, Santa Fe NM

A: Once your ship docks, you’re usually free to do whatever you want ashore, as long as you’re aware of all safety concerns and when you must be back aboard before the ship is scheduled to sail.

Before you rule out excursions, know what’s included in each trip. For example, the cost may be $200 per person for a comfy bus ride, on-off sightseeing throughout the day, plus a sit-down local lunch.

Is a Single Seniors Cruise Worthwhile For Lonesome Me? PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a newly single guy. Still in good physical and financial shape at age 62, I’d like to get my personal life kick-started again. A friend suggested I sign up for a single seniors cruise. Is that a good idea? FMG, West Allis WI

A: The happy stat alone should get you to go. Did you know that passengers on singles cruises average 70 percent women and 30 percent men?  But first, there are some situations you should consider.

Many cruise lines charge the same price for a cabin occupied by just one person. It may be $1,500, where two people pay only $750 each, while a single occupant may be billed for the entire fee. However, to entice singles, some cruises will waive some of that extra charge. You may find sailings where you can be alone in a cabin and pay just 25 percent more.

Volunteer Sr Travelers:Sign Up For Meaningful Journeys PDF Print E-mail

Volunteering can give seniors interesting travel opportunities, while at the same time offer the satisfaction of helping others. Some programs pay travel expenses, some also provide free room and board. Others also pay basic wages or stipends.

Senior volunteers for overseas programs shouldn’t expect to live in penthouse luxury, nor laze away afternoons by the pool. More satisfying, they’ll help and share the unique everyday lifestyles of the people in areas where they’ll be working.


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